AF think tank: A move for the national registry in the USA


An atrial fibrillation (AF) think tank is being organised by Cardiac Safety Research Consortium (CSRC) and the Duke Clinical Research Institute in conjunction with the FDA, the American College of Cardiology (ACC), the Heart Rhythm Society, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Advamed.

The National Registry on Safety & Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: An Incubator Thinktank will be held on 27-28 April, 2009 in the Washington, DC area.

The one-and-a-half day program will discuss specific areas related to atrial fibrillation ablation, cardiac safety and a national registry of procedures and outcomes from the academic/clinical, regulatory, industry and reimbursement perspectives. The program will be held at the FDA’s White Oak Facility in Silver Spring.

The atrial fibrillation think tank program will include:

  • Identifying gaps in the current evidence base for AF ablation and potential methods to fill them;
  • Identifying key issues of device technique and adjunctive medical therapy in AF ablation;
  • Identifying key short- and long-term safety outcomes of interest after AF ablation;
  • Establishing objectives of AF registry evidence development for each stakeholder;
  • Reviewing predicates for national registries at ACC, FDA and NIH including lessons learned;
  • Identifying and developing a plan of action for next steps for AF ablation registry and related evidence development;
  • Forming a registry planning committee to implement next steps based on meeting discussions, including publication of a proceedings white paper.

As a “think tank” forum of experts, the program will not offer didactic lectures, but rather a roundtable of brief presentations giving perspectives from all stakeholders.

The registration information, keynote speakers and draft agenda is available on the CSRC website (