CardioFocus HeartLight Excalibur balloon undergoes initial clinical evaluation

The HeartLight Endoscopic ablation system, which the new Excalibur balloon design builds on

CardioFocus has announced the initial clinical evaluation of the HeartLight Excalibur balloon, a next-generation technology designed for the treatment of atrial fibrillation. The device is undergoing an initial clinical evaluation in Europe as part of a broader development programme that seeks to confirm its design objectives.

The Excalibur balloon leverages the universal balloon design of the HeartLight Endoscopic ablation system and introduces an advanced feature set designed to optimise the speed and magnitude of target tissue contact during pulmonary vein isolation procedures.

“The HeartLight Excalibur balloon conforms effectively to the range of anatomies that we encounter during pulmonary vein isolation procedures,” says Jan Petrů, head of the Electrophysiology Laboratory, Cardiology Department, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic. “It is also very responsive, which may result in both better procedural efficiencies and potentially better patient outcomes. We are very pleased with the experience thus far.”

In addition to a more compliant construction that enables adaptive vein conformance, the Excalibur balloon also incorporates proprietary Dynamic Response technology. This feature is designed to make the balloon highly responsive to a range of user techniques and amounts of pressure applied, while optimising vein contact. The result is a design meant to maximise the engagement of the balloon with the pulmonary veins, while decreasing the time required to complete ablation procedures.