Late-breaking trials identify early onset of heart failure and lack of defibrillators in Asia at APSC


For the first time this year, late-breaking clinical trials session were held at the Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology (APSC) Congress, to highlight world-class research coming out of the region.

The ASIAN-HF registry, which was presented at the late-breaking clinical trials session, has demonstrated how heart failure patients in Asia are younger and have more co-morbidities than their western counterparts.

The 21st APSC Congress (13–15 July; Singapore), showcased original research from six late-breaking clinical trials and 250 abstracts.

“The epidemic of cardiovascular disease is rising in Asia, and with this comes the growing realisation that the disease phenotype may be different from that of other parts of the world. There are unique risk factors, genetics and public health issues which taken together mean that the findings of studies undertaken in the West may not automatically translate to Asian populations, “says Jack Tan, the APSC Congress chair. “All this makes it really important to have a platform for Asian cardiovascular research. We hope new opportunities to present research at an Asia-centered meeting will encourage more researchers from our region to get involved in clinical trials and registries.”

The scientific content of the APSC, adds Tan, was enhanced by European Society of Cardiology (ESC) hosted sessions.

Jose Luis Zamorano, the ESC course director at APSC, says, “The ESC welcomes the opportunity for close collaborations with the APSC. While there may be some differences in patient populations, there is still a great deal that we can all learn from each other about different ways of practicing cardiology.”


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