Personal MedSystems introduces CardioSecur 22-lead mobile ECG at ESC Congress 2015


Personal MedSystems is introducing its 22-lead mobile ECG system, CardioSecur, at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2015 (29 August–2 September, London, UK).

The next generation of electrocardiogram (ESC) solutions can be run with a smartphone or tablet PC, four electrodes and the CardioSecur App enabling the diagnosis and localisation of cardiac ischaemia, rhythm disorders and posterior wall infarctions.

Clinical grade quality readings allow a 360-degree view of the heart and new diagnostic possibilities. CardioSecur’s technology has been validated in several clinical studies and is available in two versions-CardioSecur PRO for professional use and CardioSecur ACTIVE for home use by patients.

The conventional 12-lead ECG has proven its worth in the diagnosis of cardiac disease. Nevertheless the display possibilities of a 12-lead ECG are limited to only 65 degrees in the transverse plane. This might be one of the reasons up to half of people who suffer from angina or silent ischaemia, have normal ECG readings. In Europe alone, coronary artery disease still accounts for 4 million deaths every year. Symptoms for myocardial infarction are often indistinct while about one out of three heart attacks occurs symptom free which makes precise diagnosis even more difficult. Next to modern therapy options, the need for enhanced diagnosis tools supporting physicians is crucial.

The accuracy of the mobile ECG solution CardioSecur has been validated in a clinical study against standard of care 10 electrode, 12-lead ECG systems and shows 99.5% accuracy. Using only four electrodes mitigates artefacts to a minimum ensuring maximum signal quality and exceptionally stable lead depiction. As the four electrodes are placed on very marked positions of the thorax, lead misplacement, often consequential to highly divers anatomies, is eradicated.

CardioSecur has been developed by cardiologists in two versions. The professional 22-lead version CardioSecur PRO enables use in house calls, bed-ridden or reduced mobility patients as well as emergency situations. The lightweight 50g cable is accompanied by the PRO App which allows 10,000 minutes of ECG recording per 1GB via smartphone or tablet PC.

The full ECG report can be sent directly to electronic patient records or colleagues and can be air printed. An automatic interpretation function is also available.