NATF launches atrial fibrillation action initiative


The North American Thrombosis Forum (NATF) has launched an innovative educational initiative on risk assessment and anticoagulation for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation.

The AF Action Initiative, led by Christian Ruff, investigator at the TIMI study group and associate physician, Cardiovascular Division at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Boston, USA) will convene a consensus group of 29 expert researchers and clinicians in the USA, Canada, and Europe to synthesise recent clinical trial data and guideline recommendations into one comprehensive and concise resource for education and reference for the entire medical community involved in the care of patients with atrial fibrillation.

“There has been an explosion of recent data,” said Ruff. “What we have realised as we have spoken to clinicians, nurses, pharmacologists, and patients is that there is a real disconnect between the exciting clinical trial data and real-world practical advice for local healthcare providers and nurses and patients. This initiative will be an invaluable resource for clinicians and patients alike.”

The AF Action Initiative micro site hosts resources created as part of the ongoing project, including video interviews with clinical experts and risk stratification tools.